Medhouse Social Wellness Club Fri, 01 Mar 2024 17:53:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Medhouse 32 32 The Hidden Power of PEMF Therapy Fri, 01 Mar 2024 16:30:27 +0000 At MedHouse, we offer many popular “antidotes” our biohacking members and friends incorporate into their daily routines. Whether it’s getting a daily freeze in our Cryotherapy chamber or a rejuvenating glow from our infrared light bed, there’s something tailored for everyone’s needs. Many of our biohackers tend to craft specialized wellness routines to suit their individual preferences. Despite the array of options available, one “antidote” often overlooked is our PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy mat. Perhaps its subtlety is the reason for this oversight; laying on the mat doesn’t elicit an immediate sensation. However, PEMF stands as one of our most extensively researched therapies, boasting positive outcomes for various ailments. It’s fascinating to note that NASA utilized this technology for astronauts during space missions.

Understanding PEMF therapy’s mechanism and its positive impact on cellular health is paramount. In today’s world, we’re constantly bombarded with unnatural energy fields that detrimentally affect our cells. PEMF therapy works by penetrating the skin and administering low-frequency electrical pulses throughout the body, mimicking the Earth’s electromagnetic waves. This stimulation boosts the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) within the body, effectively recharging cells for optimal function.

While PEMF therapy holds benefits for a wide range of users, its most prominent application, supported by peer-reviewed studies, lies in managing chronic pain and inflammation. Ignoring inflammation can escalate into more severe issues like chronic pain. Recent research underscores PEMF therapy’s potential to regulate complex biochemical and cellular interactions crucial for maintaining bodily balance, such as signal transduction and cytokine expression (Ross et al., 2019). Dysregulation of these interactions can lead to acute inflammation and subsequent chronic conditions.

What sets PEMF therapy apart is its compatibility with other offerings at MedHouse. Pairing the PEMF mat with our Infrared Light Bed, for instance, enhances the penetration of electromagnetic pulses into the body. Similarly, utilizing the PEMF mat before a session in our Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber primes cells to absorb oxygen optimally, thereby enhancing cellular function.

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Embracing Serenity: The Sensory Deprivation Tank Thu, 01 Feb 2024 05:45:02 +0000 In the fast-paced world we live in, finding moments of tranquility and self-care has become essential for maintaining overall well-being. MedHouse stands at the forefront of providing innovative solutions for its members to nurture their mental and physical health. Among the array of antidotes at MedHouse, the sensory deprivation floatation tank stands out as a powerful antidote to the stresses of modern life.

The Floatation Tank Experience:

The floatation tank, also known as isolation or sensory deprivation tank, offers a serene environment where individuals can effortlessly float in a buoyant solution of Epsom salt and water. The tank, designed to eliminate external stimuli, provides a sensory-free experience that promotes relaxation, mindfulness, and holistic healing.

Benefits of Floatation Tank:

1. Stress Reduction

One of the primary benefits of floatation tank sessions is stress reduction. As members enter the tank and disconnect from external stimuli, the body and mind enter a state of deep relaxation. The absence of sensory input allows the nervous system to downregulate, promoting a profound sense of calm and stress relief.

2. Mental Clarity and Focus

 The floatation tank acts as a reset button for the mind. The sensory deprivation allows individuals to declutter their thoughts, fostering mental clarity and enhanced focus. MedHouse members can step out of the tank feeling rejuvenated and better equipped to tackle the challenges of daily life.

3. Physical Healing

 The buoyancy of the saltwater solution relieves pressure on joints and muscles, promoting physical relaxation and alleviating discomfort. This can be particularly beneficial for those dealing with chronic pain, injuries, or muscle tension.

4. Enhanced Creativity

  Many individuals report heightened creativity and problem-solving abilities after floatation tank sessions. The meditative state induced by the tank allows for the free flow of creative thoughts and ideas, making it an excellent tool for those seeking inspiration.

5. Improved Sleep Quality

 Regular floatation tank sessions have been associated with improved sleep patterns. The relaxation response triggered by the tank can help regulate sleep cycles, leading to a more restful and rejuvenating night’s sleep.

The floatation tank, with its myriad benefits, offers members a sanctuary to unwind, rejuvenate, and showcase their commitment to a healthier lifestyle. As the effects of stress reduction, mental clarity, and improved overall well-being unfold, it becomes evident that floating at MedHouse is more than just a therapeutic experience—it’s a profound act of self-love and health-conscious living.

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The HBOT & Harnessing Its Healing Power Tue, 02 Jan 2024 15:04:16 +0000 In the pursuit of innovative medical treatments, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has emerged as a captivating and promising avenue. This therapeutic approach involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized room or chamber, exceeding atmospheric pressure at sea level. The heightened oxygen levels during HBOT facilitate various physiological processes, offering a spectrum of therapeutic benefits. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of hyperbaric oxygen and its diverse applications in modern medicine.

Understanding Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy operates on a simple principle: by increasing the pressure around the patient and administering pure oxygen, the body receives significantly higher amounts of oxygen than what is possible under normal conditions. This intensified oxygenation is believed to trigger a cascade of healing mechanisms within the body.

1. Enhanced Oxygen Delivery

 In a hyperbaric environment, the lungs absorb a higher concentration of oxygen, and the bloodstream becomes a carrier for delivering this oxygen to every cell in the body. This process ensures that tissues receive ample oxygen, promoting healing and recovery.

2. Anti-inflammatory Effects

HBOT has shown anti-inflammatory properties, contributing to its effectiveness in conditions where inflammation plays a significant role. By modulating inflammatory responses, this therapy holds promise for treating various inflammatory disorders.

3. Improved Blood Flow

The increased pressure and oxygen levels in the blood promote vasodilation, enhancing blood flow to compromised or injured tissues. This improved circulation aids in the recovery of wounds, injuries, and other vascular issues.

Applications of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

1. Wound Healing

HBOT has demonstrated remarkable efficacy in accelerating wound healing, particularly in cases of non-healing wounds, diabetic ulcers, and tissue damage resulting from radiation therapy.

2. Neurological Disorders

Ongoing research suggests potential benefits of HBOT in neurological conditions such as traumatic brain injuries, stroke, and neurodegenerative disorders. The increased oxygen supply may support neuronal repair and regeneration.

3. Sports Injuries

Athletes have embraced HBOT to expedite recovery from injuries and enhance performance. The therapy aids in reducing inflammation, minimizing downtime, and promoting faster healing of soft tissue injuries.

4. Chronic Conditions

 Conditions like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and autoimmune disorders have seen some positive responses to hyperbaric oxygen therapy. While more research is needed, initial findings suggest potential relief from symptoms.

5. Infectious Diseases

The antimicrobial properties of oxygen under pressure have led to the exploration of HBOT as an adjunctive treatment for certain infections. It may enhance the effectiveness of antibiotics and contribute to the body’s defense against pathogens.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy represents a captivating frontier in medical science, offering a non-invasive and potentially transformative approach to healing. As research continues to unveil its therapeutic effects across various medical domains, the future holds exciting possibilities for the integration of HBOT into mainstream healthcare. The potential to enhance the quality of life for individuals grappling with a myriad of health conditions makes hyperbaric oxygen therapy a beacon of hope in the realm of modern medicine.

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Salt Therapy: Winter’s Wellness Essential Wed, 29 Nov 2023 21:42:43 +0000 As winter blankets the world in a serene layer of snow, our bodies often face the challenges that come with the colder temperatures. While we bundle up in warm layers to protect ourselves from the outside chill, it’s equally important to consider the well-being of our respiratory and immune systems. In this guide, let’s delve into the world of salt therapy and explore their numerous benefits, especially during the winter months.

Winter Wellness Challenge

Winter is notorious for bringing along a host of respiratory issues, from common colds and flu to more serious conditions like bronchitis. The dry air, coupled with indoor heating, can exacerbate these problems, leaving us feeling under the weather. This is where salt therapy, also known as halotherapy, steps in as a holistic approach to winter wellness.

The Healing Power of Salt:

Salt therapy has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for respiratory ailments. The concept involves spending time in a salt room or suite where the air is infused with microscopic salt particles. The inhalation of these particles is believed to have several positive effects on the respiratory and immune systems.

How Salt Therapy Works:

  1. Respiratory Cleansing: Salt has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Inhaling salt particles helps cleanse the respiratory system, reducing inflammation and mucus buildup.
  2. Boosting Immunity: Salt therapy is thought to enhance the immune system by promoting the production of white blood cells and boosting overall immune function.
  3. Sinus Relief: For those struggling with sinus issues or allergies, salt therapy can provide relief by clearing nasal passages and reducing congestion.
  4. Stress Reduction: Winter often brings about increased stress levels. Salt therapy suites, with their serene environments, provide an opportunity for relaxation and stress reduction.

Winter-Specific Benefits:

  1. Cold and Flu Prevention: By strengthening the immune system and promoting respiratory health, salt therapy can act as a preventative measure against winter colds and flu.
  2. Dry Skin Relief: The dry winter air can take a toll on our skin. Salt therapy helps to hydrate the skin, leaving it feeling refreshed and revitalized.
  3. Seasonal Depression Support: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a common concern during the winter months. Salt therapy’s calming effects can contribute to mood improvement and overall well-being.


As winter settles in, consider embracing the therapeutic benefits of salt therapy right here at MedHouse. Whether you’re looking to ward off winter illnesses, support respiratory health, or simply relax in a tranquil environment, our salt suite offers a unique and natural solution. Prioritize your well-being this winter season by immersing yourself in the healing power of salt.

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The Benefits of Cryotherapy Fri, 10 Mar 2023 17:22:05 +0000

If you didn’t know any better, you’d probably think ice baths and whole person freezers came straight out of a horror film. While they can be intimidating, facing this fear and embracing the cold is becoming the most popular health hack on a global scale.

Cryotherapy involves exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures for a brief period using ice baths, a cryo chamber, or a hand-held device to isolate treatment areas. This therapy is becoming more popular than ever with many athletes, celebrities, and health enthusiasts eager to share their experiences and transformations with Cryotherapy. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of Cryotherapy alongside first hand accounts of how it’s changed lives.

1. Pain Relief: 

Cryotherapy is an effective pain management tool as extreme cold temperatures cause the blood vessels in the body to constrict, reducing inflammation and swelling in the affected areas.

“Coming from a background of sports injuries such as concussions, I’ve had a long bout of migraine headaches since I was a teenager. Coupled with that I’ve experienced joint pain for quite some time, largely because I have a strong family history of inflammatory conditions. Cryotherapy has helped to overall reduce my inflammation, pain, and my migraines. Simultaneously reducing my inflammation and jamming out to good music? Can’t get better than that!”
Registered Dietitian, West Palm Beach, FL

“I am an athlete who works out about 6-7 days a week. I have recently had micro tears in my bicep, some days are good then some days are unbearable. Ever since I started doing cryotherapy everyday my pain has gone away instantly along with relieving my inflammation and muscle soreness. I am beyond happy to discover such an amazing piece of equipment.”
Fitness Trainer & Phlebotomist, Lake Worth, FL

“My first ever Cryo session was with Medhouse! I have to admit, I am not a fan of the cold AT ALL. But after my first cryo session, I felt immediate energy and it even reduced my lower back pain. And now I find myself jumping in every week to feel energized and help with any muscle soreness or muscle discomfort I may have!”
Patient Care, West Palm, FL

2. Improved Recovery

 Cryotherapy is an excellent way to speed up the body’s recovery process after a workout and helps to reduce muscle soreness, inflammation, and tension, allowing athletes to get back to their training routines faster.

“Hopping in the cryo after an intense workout is my absolute favorite, it completely eliminates any soreness, tension or inflammation I feel throughout the day and I truly look forward to it after every single workout. The feeling is so euphoric and the best adrenaline rush to start off your day, I highly recommend!!
Server and Patient Care, West Palm Beach, FL

“There are very few things in life that can cause the adrenaline surge that you get stepping out of that chamber! Being an athlete there is nothing that helps me more than a cryo session. The way my muscles recover and feel afterwards is priceless. It helps speed up my recovery so I can get back to doing the things I want to be doing.”
Physician Assistant, El Cid, FL

“Love the Cryo!! Really helps me after a long and intense workout! Doing it once a day has taken my recovery to another level!”
Personal Trainer, West Palm, FL

3. Boosts Immune System 

The extreme cold temperatures cause the body to release more white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting infections and diseases. This process helps to strengthen the immune system and make the body more resistant to illnesses.

“In addition to feeling energized after my cryotherapy sessions, I noticed an overall improvement in my skin texture and reduction in systemic inflammation. Great addition to anyone’s weekly schedule!”
Physician Assistant, Boca Raton, FL

“I’ve seen the impact of stress on my body more than a few times and know its gateway to chronic illness. Cryotherapy has been an amazing stress management tool so that I can do the things that I have to do and the things I love without feeling like my health is at-risk.”
Health Coach, Juno Beach, FL

4. Increases Metabolism

 The extreme cold temperatures cause the body to burn more calories to generate heat, which can lead to weight loss. The treatment can also help to increase energy levels and improve overall physical performance.

“Incorporating cryo after my HIIT workouts has been a game changer for recovery! My weight loss journey has become easier with the assistance of my 3 minute black diamond sessions.”
Business Manager, Riviera Beach, FL

“If you knew me, you would know I can’t stand to be cold, but cryotherapy is life changing. I would have never thought doing something such as cryo would give you the energy that it does. It is totally something I would recommend that everyone at least gives a try!”
Patient Care, West Palm Beach, FL

5. Improved Skin Health 

The extreme cold temperatures cause the blood vessels in the skin to constrict, reducing inflammation and redness. This process helps to improve the skin’s texture, tone, and overall appearance.

“Love love love Cryotherapy so much. I notice improvements to every part of my body. I come out happier and with a “pep” in my step. My skin is tighter and seems to look smoother, great for before I go out. Lastly, after my workouts I cryo and I tend to never be sore, showing that it is super helpful in recovery. I try and go everyday but even a few times a month is super for my overall health journey.“
Business Owner, El Cid, FL

“Wow! Where do I even start, from energy, to skin to recovery. This machine has done it all for me. I have never seen my skin so clear and glowy nor have I ever gone through the day without needing an energy supplement. Cryotherapy has been a game-changing therapy for my life!!!”
Business Manager, West Palm Beach, FL

6. Reduces Anxiety and Depression

 Cryotherapy can trigger the release of endorphins and other feel-good chemicals in the brain, helping to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. The nervous system is shocked by the extreme cold which induces a calming effect on the body and mind, promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels.

“As a master’s student with a full-time job I am often burnt out and fatigued. Cryotherapy is one of the only things that can completely invigorate me in under 5 minutes. Going into a chamber that is -170 degrees is intimidating, but the long-term benefits make it all worth it.”
Student, West Palm Beach, FL

“I’m not a fan of going to cold places or even cold restaurants but cryotherapy is my one exception. I was pleasantly surprised to discover all of the positive reviews were true. Cryotherapy gives me energy, speeds up my post workout recovery and overall makes me feel amazing throughout the week. I look forward to it every time and cannot stop talking about how it makes me feel like a new person.”
Medical Liaison, Boca Raton, FL

If you noticed a theme, that’s because Cryotherapy helps with everything! MedHouse prioritizes your whole-person health with cutting-edge antidotes derived from natural and ancient healing. Fixing symptoms of health by targeting one specific body part or function negates the intricacies of connecting you, your experiences, and your body. That’s why people are noticing they feel happier, they have less pain and they love the way they look after Cryotherapy. Our favorite part about the Cryo chamber at MedHouse is that you can be in and out of your appointment in less than 5-minutes (if you can resist stopping for their freshly ground coffee and cold pressed juices). The only thing between you and the six ways to boost your health with Cryotherapy is how you choose to spend 0.35% of your day.



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Biohack With IV Micronutrients Thu, 03 Nov 2022 14:22:55 +0000

IV Micronutrients

Duration of treatment: 30-45 minutes

In today’s fast-paced world, achieving optimal health and well-being is a priority for many individuals. Are you longing to wake up feeling refreshed, maintain a consistent exercise routine, bring abundant energy to your work, and experience fewer instances of illness? Look no further than our signature IV drips, designed to address various health concerns such as burnout, infections, fatigue and even hangovers. In this guide, we will discuss the importance of vitamins, the advantages of intravenous (IV) administration over oral intake, and the benefits of IV Micronutrient Therapy for improving sleep, energy levels, and immune function. 

Importance of Micronutrients

Numerous studies have highlighted the prevalence of nutritional deficiencies among Americans, with more than 50% of the population falling short in essential nutrients. To maintain optimal health, our bodies require 13 essential vitamins and 16 essential minerals obtained from our diets. These nutrients play a vital role in converting food into energy, strengthening our immune system, and supporting musculoskeletal health.

IV Administration vs. Oral Intake

When we consume nutrients orally, our digestive system only absorbs a fraction, typically ranging from 30% to 50%. In contrast, IV administration delivers these nutrients directly to the bloodstream, ensuring 100% absorption. Bypassing the digestive tract allows for enhanced potency and efficiency. This method is particularly crucial for individuals with gastrointestinal conditions like Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative Colitis, as their bodies struggle to absorb nutrients effectively. Even those with “leaky gut” may experience symptoms such as unexplained fatigue, brain fog or skin sensitivities without apparent gastrointestinal issues.

Comprehensive Biomarker Testing

To determine your specific micronutrient deficiencies, our comprehensive biomarker testing provides a detailed assessment. This analysis allows our team of healthcare providers to work collaboratively in developing a customized IV protocol tailored to your unique needs and health goals. By identifying and addressing specific deficiencies, we aim to optimize your overall well-being.

Benefits of IV Micronutrient Therapy

Integrating IV Micronutrients into your weekly or monthly routine offers a wide array of advantages. Firstly, it promotes better sleep, helping you wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized. Secondly, the therapy increases energy levels, enabling you to tackle daily activities with vigor and vitality. Lastly, it strengthens your immune system, equipping your body with the necessary defenses to ward off infections and maintain optimal health.


Achieving a healthier version of yourself is within reach, thanks to the benefits of IV Micronutrients. By addressing nutritional deficiencies and delivering essential nutrients directly into your bloodstream, this treatment offers superior absorption and effectiveness compared to oral intake. With the support of comprehensive biomarker testing, our medical team can personalize your IV protocol to meet your specific needs and health goals. Embrace the opportunity to improve your sleep quality, boost your energy levels, and enhance your immune system. Don’t wait any longer – take the first step towards a healthier you!

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Symptoms of Long-COVID Thu, 03 Nov 2022 13:42:53 +0000

We have all either had COVID ourselves or had a loved one affected by the pandemic. Of those that have had COVID, approximately 30% struggle with continuing symptoms also known as Long-COVID or Post-COVID Conditions. The prolonged symptoms have been reported to last anywhere from 4 weeks to years. These symptoms have become such an issue that the United States has launched a national research action plan for Long-COVID. This has led to the investigation of therapies for those still struggling with symptoms (AL. Cabrera et al., 2021).

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the symptoms most reported include, neurocognitive impairment and fatigue, hypoxia, continuous inflammatory response, among others. However, the most common symptom is fatigue. Of all long-COVID patients, 65% reported fatigue impacting normal daily functions (AL. Cabrera et al., 2021). The resulting fatigue is a very difficult symptom to treat, however there are similarities between this COVID induced symptom and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) involves intermittent inhalation of 100% oxygen under pressure greater than one atmosphere. There have been studies which demonstrated improvement of symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) (Akarsu S., et al., 2013). These studies have led researchers to look at HBOT for Long-COVID symptoms.

UK researcher, Tim Robbins, led the first known clinical investigation of HBOT for long-COVID, with promising results. The study demonstrated that once daily HBOT for 10 consecutive days yielded statistically significant improvement in fatigue scales, cognition, executive function, attention, information processing, and verbal function (Robbins, T. et al., 2021). This research proved to be critical initial evaluation of HBOT for long-COVID symptoms. The research also served as a foundation for another research group to further elucidate the possible benefits of HBOT for long-COVID.

The most recent investigation was conducted at Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research at Shamir Medical Center and Tel Aviv University. The study is the first randomized controlled trial exploring treatment of long-COVID symptoms with HBOT. The study consisted of patients that had post-COVID symptoms for at least three months post initial infection. Treatment groups consisted of 36 patients receiving HBOT and 36 patients in the control group. Data was collected in several areas including qualitative questionnaire information (anxiety, fatigue, and depression scales), sleep scores, brain physiology and oxygen perfusion, odor detection, and sense of taste (Zilberman‐Itskovich S., et al., 2022).

Long-COVID has been associated with neuronal injury of the frontal lobe. Therefore, the study went into depth by correlating symptom improvement with brain function via MRI and brain microstructure scans. It was demonstrated that the psychiatric and cognitive symptoms were associated with microstructural changes in the frontal lobe and limbic regions (Zilberman‐Itskovich S., et al., 2022).

This study yielded may positive results indicating that HBOT is a valid treatment for Long Covid. This fact is particularly true for symptoms including psychiatric symptoms (depression and anxiety), brain fog, and fatigue. It also gives us a new perspective as to how brain structure changes during COVID as well as how HBOT can aid in the regenerative process of the brain (Zilberman‐Itskovich S., et al., 2022).

With so much of the population effected by Long-COVID, there is a great need for treatment options. There are still very limited treatments for overall fatigue and cognitive function, however HBOT provides a bit of hope for those experiencing the detrimental effects of these symptoms. At MedHouse and R3 Health, we are here to design treatment plans to help those patients that may be experiencing these continuing symptoms of Long-COVID.

Akarsu S, Tekin L, Ay H et al. The efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management of chronic fatigue syndrome. Undersea Hyperb Med 2013; 40:197–200

Cabrera Martimbianco AL, Pacheco RL, Bagattini ÂM, Riera R. Frequency, signs and symptoms, and criteria adopted for long COVID-19: A systematic review. Int J Clin Pract. 2021.

Robbins, T. et al., Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of long COVID: early evaluation of a highly promising intervention. Clin Med November 2021.

Zilberman‐Itskovich S., et al., Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves neurocognitive functions and symptoms of post‐COVID condition: randomized controlled trial. Nature 2022; 12:11252.

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Fitpod Mon, 15 Aug 2022 14:51:38 +0000

What is FitPod?

The sauna just got a major upgrade. Our FITPOD is an individual, ergonomic capsule bed that incorporates infrared wavelengths and heat to meet your wellness goals. With four different settings ranging from low to hyperthermic, the therapeutic temperature increases at each level. Each different setting offers its own unique set of health benefits.

What should I expect?

Get ready to get sweaty! The FITPOD was designed to be unlike any sauna you have experienced. Instead of using hot rocks to heat the air, the Pod has an air shower heat port that creates a circulating vortex of warm air. This circulating air in combination with face fans creates a very comfortable sauna experience. During your sauna session you can sit back and relax or you can get in workout! Simply select the guided workout button on the screen and follow along with the bands attached to the inside of the pod.



PEMF Therapy Mon, 27 Jun 2022 16:53:28 +0000 /*! elementor - v3.7.8 - 02-10-2022 */
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What is PEMF/Pulse
Electromagnetic Field Therapy

Electricity is all around us – including throughout the human body. All the cells in your body have electrical currents running through them at all times that helps the flow of charged material across the cellular membrane. When these electrical currents lose their charge, the cell no longer functions as it should. That’s where PEMF therapy comes in! Our PEMF therapy uses wavelengths between 10Hz-30Hz delivered in a specific sequence to promote increased vasodilation and better circulation of vital nutrients throughout the body.

What should I expect?

Your PEMF therapy session will last 8-minutes. During this time, you will lay on the PEMF mat and relax. It is unlikely that you will notice or feel anything throughout the session as it is working on a cellular level, but you may feel some pins and needles like tingling as you increase the therapeutic frequencies.



Healthy Lifestyle Coach Mon, 27 Jun 2022 16:48:02 +0000 Here’s 5 Reasons why Meeting with a Health Coach will help you improve your health!

Our lives are changing faster than ever. As soon as we find out one thing is healthy, we learn that it’s not. Wherever we look we can find stress if we choose so. How do you balance it all? Should you start with nutrition, exercise or creating a mindful routine?

First: Meeting with a health coach to identify key areas of your life that are imbalanced is a great first step to integrating wellness into your life.

Why? Studies show that people who slowly integrate new habits into their routine are more likely to keep those habits for the long-term resulting in true lifestyle change. It makes sense, right? Creating small goals that are actionable allows you to build on their momentum sooner. We must crawl before we can walk; we must lose 5 pounds before we can lose 20. Our health coach helps you add those small steps into your routine so that your results are sustainable.

Second: You can expect to receive support that is focused on you and your bio-individuality.

One man’s medicine can be another man’s poison. You won’t receive recommendations that are standardized or be told to try extreme diets. Your current health is an accumulation of your genetics and your environment. Working with a health coach creates space for you to reflect on past and present experiences so that your wellness journey transforms into what optimal health looks like for you.

Third: Your health is so much more than you are eating.

Our bodies are always aiming for homeostasis: balance. If there is an imbalance in your home environment, relationships, or career, it can impact the activities you decide to do or how you eat. These things are equally important to your health and are always discussed when you meet with your health coach. Your lifestyle will be aligned with your health goals.

Fourth: Expand your resources!

Is there a new class you’ve been wanting to try? An ingredient you’re not sure how to use? From learning how to eat sustainably to using breath work to manage stress, working with a health coach gives you access to health resources you may have not considered. The result is feeling empowered with the knowledge to develop new solutions for your health.

Fifth: Accountability and Support

The best part about working with a health coach is to have a conversation with someone who listens. You are not given recommendations for your health to face the struggles of behavior change alone. The truth is change can be hard. A health coach is there to help you work through your struggles, celebrate your successes and keep you accountable.

MedHouse fosters an environment of healing, education, and community. Our goal is to create a shift in health, to change with your pace and build a life that’s positively resilient. Meeting with our health coach monthly is an integral part of our membership. Schedule your next break-through in health by contacting MedHouse today!

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